51³Ô¹Ï Recognizes and Supports a Critical Cause – Women’s Health

Friday September 30, 2022

Over the course of Building Together, 51³Ô¹Ï has focused and raised awareness on many significant topics, both from an employer and industry standpoint, the importance of each matter, and how each topic impacts fellow co-workers, trade partners, family members and the future of 51³Ô¹Ï. During the month of October, 51³Ô¹Ï will put emphasis on an equally important topic, one that impacts over 700 of its employees, women’s health. An advocate of mental health, and a supporter of initiatives like the Culture of Care program, 51³Ô¹Ï wanted to take a moment to address a topic of equal importance—physical health.

As one of the more physically demanding fields, construction can take a toll on the body. But sometimes these physical feats go beyond what’s present on the jobsite. From pregnancy to cancer, the women that make our projects possible battle through extraordinary physical feats, many times with a can-do attitude and smile. We want to make sure that we take the time to recognize these situations and do our best to understand what our fellow employees, partners and loved ones might be experiencing both physically and mentally outside of the hardhat.

To help 51³Ô¹Ï build awareness surrounding some of these important health topics, we will hear directly from employees, clients, and professional experts, about their first-hand experience on these critical health topics:

Pregnancy and Motherhood – Nearly 1/3 of all women in the labor force are mothers. As a major advocate for family, 51³Ô¹Ï supports working moms and encourages new moms and moms-to-be to focus on their well-being and time spent with new family members. This month, we’ll hear from the moms of 51³Ô¹Ï and what it was like to be pregnant on a working project, as well as tips (and lessons learned!) for those looking to grow their family.

Disparity in Healthcare – Even though women make up over 50% of the US population, women are often underrepresented in health research and underserved in medical care. Throughout October, 51³Ô¹Ï will be offering employees internal resources to make sure they have the access they need to take care of themselves and their families, mentally and physically.

Violence and Domestic Abuse – Globally, an estimated 736 million women, almost one in three, have been the victim of some form of violence. 51³Ô¹Ï does not condone violence in any shape or form. If someone you know is currently suffering from an abusive situation, please visit or call 800-799-7233.

Breast and Gynecological Cancers – In the US, there are currently over 863,830 women living with cancer—that is 415 cases for every 100,000 individuals. One out of every three of those individuals will battle breast cancer. In fact, of the total population of women residing in the US, 12.9% will develop breast cancer within their lifetime. It is this statistic that compels 51³Ô¹Ï to talk about the subject, and to do our part to support a cause that impacts so many of our employees. Running parallel with Breast Cancer Awareness Month, this October, 51³Ô¹Ï will share stories, from team members and employees, about their personal cancer journeys. 51³Ô¹Ï will also be supporting , an organization near and dear to 51³Ô¹Ï, whose mission ensures that no women has to battle cancer alone.

Stay tuned all October to hear more on these important topics, hear inspirational stories from employees and partners and to help 51³Ô¹Ï create awareness surrounding Women’s Health.